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Bigger & Better Business


Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc., believes that the improvement and economic conditions of minorities is a major fact in the improvement of the general welfare of society. It is upon this conviction that the Bigger and Better Business Program rests. Since 1926, the Bigger and Better Business Program has been sponsored on a national scale by Phi Beta Sigma as a way of supporting, fostering, and promoting minority owned businesses and services.


Project S.E.E.D (Sigma Economic Empowerment Development)


Project Seed was developed to focus on two important areas:

  1. Financial Management and

  2. Homeownership.                                                                                                                                    

 The objectives of Project S.E.E.D is to:

  • Provide useful information in the area of financial management and home ownership that will benefit the membership, their families, and the communities in which Sigma Brothers live;

  • Provide a program that can be implemented at the national, regional and state levels by both alumni and collegiate chapters.



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